When we envision painters, we also picture signature tools of their trade: paint brush, paint, canvas and the palette. When we imagine a makeup artist, …
Pick Your Poison
Either way, the influence and reliance of makeup has power. Unless you always or never wear makeup, you are a human variation of a Before …
Memento Mori
The trilogy of applying, wearing, and removing makeup can represent each day as its own life. Application process feels like birthing essence. Wearing cosmetics for …
Mise En Place
For better or worse, our daily habits greatly dictate life outcomes. How we compose our homes to support our daily routines is imperative. Every room …
Color Monogamy
Choice: the ability to make a decision when you have two or more possibilities. We live in an unprecedented age of options. And that can …
Pro/Con of On/Off
Is it a pro or a con to have the ability to personally advertise what you do professionally, around the clock, during and outside of …
What Needs to Grow Higher if it Already Runs Deep?
I’m still working on visualizing the broader meaning behind my profession. “Makeup Artist” is an incredibly specialized field within the vast beauty industry. If I …
Monday, December 11th | 6pm-7pm F.A.C.E. Makeup Artistry | 2121 Broadway St. 42001 ‘Tis the season to sparkle like Christmas lights, twinkle like snow reflecting …
Tuesday, October 24th | 6pm-7pm F.A.C.E. Makeup Artistry | 2121 Broadway St. 42001 Embrace the enchanting allure of autumn with our Fall Trends Makeup Class. …
“Five Minute Face” Makeup Class
Monday, Aug. 28th | 6pm-7pm EVENT HIGHLIGHTS Seating is limited. Online registration required. Demonstration-style (not hands-on) class. Tickets: $62.50 Mastering a five-minute makeup routine isn’t about cutting …