“Are you sick?” “You look tired.” These comments can create an unpleasant dependency on cosmetics in order to feel presentable. If you do wear makeup everyday and then suddenly don’t, the downplay of features are going to catch the eye. It looks like there is something missing, because there is.
A mental note is taken: Wearing makeup helps me look less tired and sick.
If wearing makeup isn’t everyday practice, on days that you decide to wear cosmetics, you’re likely to receive a compliment or two. “You look lovely today.” “You clean up nice.” People notice “flaws” less when it’s your everyday look. This means that they notice when the features that normally don’t get accentuated or concealed get amplified. It looks like something is enhanced, because it is.
A mental note is taken: People compliment me when I wear makeup.

Either way, the influence and reliance of makeup has power.
Unless you always or never wear makeup, you are a human variation of a Before + After segment. It just depends on which on which side you use as your foundational beauty practice.
You get to pick your poison:
- Reap the benefits of consistent presentation via cosmetics and face the concerns on non-practicing days.
- Bear the fruit of showcasing a bare face and accept the contrast of unique attention you wouldn’t otherwise receive.