Many of Seth Godin’s blog posts resonate with me, but his recent post, “The Pinocchio Protocol”, moved me in an entirely new way. I was so inspired that I decided to create a makeup-focused riff of his blog post.
In the classic tale of Pinocchio, every lie he told made his nose grow longer, making it impossible for him to hide the truth.

Imagine if makeup brushes turned dull and brittle if not cleaned regularly, or if foundation bottles darkened when contaminated with bacteria.
Similarly, what if the effects of not removing makeup before bed immediately showed up as blemishes and dull skin the next morning?

We often overlook gradual or invisible consequences, especially in our beauty routines.
The solution is straightforward: If it’s important, make it visible. If the impact is gradual, create a signal that makes the future effects apparent in the present.
At F.A.C.E. Makeup Artistry, we believe in creating clear indicators for essential beauty practices that often go unnoticed. This approach not only helps in maintaining optimal beauty routines but also provides a significant advantage in achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin.
By implementing vivid measurements and signals, we ensure that crucial aspects of beauty and skincare are never overlooked, giving you the best possible results.