Makeup application can feel like the ultimate active self-portrait. When we do our own makeup, we confront ourselves. We then travel around and showcase our work, ourselves.
We are portable self-portraits, our lives imitating our art and our art imitating our lives. Like it or not, we are all up for interpretation.
“As within, so without.” This expression is considered to be a universal truth or law which shows us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world.

What will you intentionally notice (universe/existence) to create the experience of life you desire (soul)? Be intentional today to create the life you desire.
Compacts are containers that allow us to express beautiful moments wherever we go. Painting art on the faces of the compacts with actual cosmetics reinforces this reminder.
Inspired by durability and craftsmanship of beauty packaging from decades ago, F.A.C.E. sources period compacts and modifies their interiors, and some exteriors, to house new, refillable products. The “beauty blend” of the cosmetic past (compact vessel) with the present (modern product) creates a lasting keepsake & art piece to accompany in the future. Clients enjoy the experience of selecting first, the unique compact, and then choosing the eye, cheek or face powder color combination it will house.
The refurbished vintage makeup compacts retailed at F.A.C.E. are unique and beautiful in and of themselves, but their signature spins are the miniature stories inspired by each individual vessel. The compacts become quite serendipitous. People find them at just the right time depending on what story they need to hear, what message they need to receive, or what lesson they need to learn. Beauty is art.