We tend to think that beauty is all about numbers—perfect proportions, ideal features, and symmetry. But here’s the truth: humans are not cold, logical machines. …
Election Over, Expression Continues
Now that the election has concluded, we find ourselves in a moment of reflection, processing the choices we’ve made as individuals and as a collective …
Visual Identity
Self-expression is a deeply human need. From the clothes we wear to the art we create, we are constantly communicating who we are and what …
Appearances Matter
The phrase “beauty is only skin deep” often comes with a sense of dismissal, as if our appearance is a thin layer that holds no …
I Sing the Body Electric
Walt Whitman’s poem I Sing the Body Electric celebrates the human body as a vessel of vitality and expression, inseparable from the soul. The body is not …
Attractive vs. Approachable
When it comes to hair color and makeup styles, there’s often a delicate balance between attractiveness and approachability, especially in dating. On one hand, certain …
Multiple Terrains
When I ran cross country, I quickly learned that not all terrain is created equal. While the majority of a race would be spent running …
Beauty Inheritance
Our physical features are a living testament to those who came before us, just as our choices now shape what’s to come. In the beauty …
Lost in Translation
Botox has gained popularity as a quick fix for reducing the appearance of wrinkles, but its long-term implications raise significant concerns. While this treatment effectively …