When it comes to hair color and makeup styles, there’s often a delicate balance between attractiveness and approachability, especially in dating. On one hand, certain looks might increase initial physical attraction, but they could also create distance or intimidation, making someone seem less approachable. This is rooted in both societal expectations and psychological cues.

For example, research shows that bold makeup tends to enhance attractiveness, often signaling confidence or even romantic interest. However, women wearing more makeup can sometimes be perceived as less modest or approachable, particularly when the makeup style is more dramatic or heavy. Men tend to find such looks appealing in terms of physical attraction, but they might associate it with higher sociosexuality—more casual or short-term dating intentions—whether or not that’s true. This can unintentionally make someone seem less approachable for long-term connections.
Hair color also plays a role. Certain shades like platinum blonde or jet black are often considered more striking or exotic, attracting attention but potentially creating a sense of distance. Conversely, softer, more natural shades like chestnut brown or light brunettes are frequently seen as more approachable and relatable. These subtler choices can convey warmth, friendliness, and a greater sense of being “down to earth”.

This dynamic extends to body type and style choices, with more conventionally “attractive” looks sometimes placing a person on a pedestal, making them seem out of reach. In contrast, features or styles that feel familiar and less intimidating can foster approachability, which is key to forming connections in dating.
As with most things, the key is balance. How do you curate a beauty look that feels authentic, boosts confidence, but still invites connection? Are you dressing for attraction or for approachability, and what message are you ultimately sending out to the world?